Thursday, August 30, 2012

So let me tell you about Mr. Casey...

Mr. Casey is my chemistry teacher. Mr. Casey is really smart. Mr. Casey has an iPhone. Mr. Casey seems slightly irregular in the mental margin.
It all started yesterday, my first day of school. Since I'm a post secondary student, I go into school (which, in case you didn't know, is Allen East High) everyday at exactly 11:23. My first class I have is chemistry with Mr. Casey. The first thing he does is say "Okay class, clear your desks. We're going to have a five-point 'opportunity!'" (I kid you not, he calls tests and quizzes "opportunities.")
My first impression was like ". . .what?" How could there be a quiz when I've been in the classroom for five minutes? I thought maybe it was a "What's your name? What's your favorite color?" -kind of quiz. I was wrong. It was more of a "How many decagrams are in a kilogram?" -kind of quiz. (Which is funny, because I still couldn't answer that question if I tried.) I literally got a zero out of five. Zero. Out. Of. Five.
So it turns out, it was a tell-me-what-you-know-kind-of-quiz. And you got five points for signing your name on the paper. At least I knew that much. And to make it a little better, I wasn't the only one who got a zero out of five. So did everyone else. So. . . chemistry's gonna be fun this year?

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