Monday, December 3, 2012

Magic Number Fifty...

Well, this would be my last post... :(

I'd like to write out all of my blog titles and say which each were about, to maybe make this a little easier for Mrs. Piro to grade. :)

From Oldest to Newest, here they are.

Wait... What? - Misc.
It was like... BAM - career path.
So let me tell you about Mr. Casey... -other classes.
Work!Work!Work! - misc.
Secondhand bookseller - RR.
In class 1 -IC
In class 2- IC
Red canary of death- RR
c-c-c-career path! -career path
the c-word! -misc.
how i met your mother-IC
ten minute writing -IC
Girl in Red... -misc.
once upon a time-IC
fuzzy wuzzy-misc
that girl-misc
in class 6 -IC
career path-career path
cal-q-luz - other classes
lantry's -RR
2b or not 2b-(this is where we wrote about our readings from TSIS... i think it was RR)
toothfairy's scottish adventure- IC
aw snap. -IC
so let me get this straight-career path/misc
in class-in class
other classes-other classes
in class 10-in class
remix video-in class
hopkins's essay-RR
food art-in class
other classes-other classes
in class 14-IC
lessons from fifty shades -misc
career path(dreams) -career path
happy thanksgiving-misc
other classes-other classes
burnette's essay-RR
in class 15-IC
frack this! -misc
family traditions-misc
what i learned in boating school is- misc
welcome to all things scottish- misc
another class and broken glass- other classes
caring... -misc
careering - career path
what i learned in english comp is... THIS class:)

magic number fifty...misc

Well, that makes fifty! I do have one complaint though, it seems that when I edited some of these blogs, it changed the date on them? And the dates are off, like so many hours behind. Oh well, it's not like I sat here and wrote fifty blogs in one night.

I would just like to end on a good note, that I really enjoyed this class more than I thought I ever would. It was challenging in a very positive way and made me think like I have never thought before... like a writer.

Hopefully, I can reflect on what I have learned in this class in the future when I am taking other classes. And I will take with me all the self confidence I have gained. I hope everyone is preparing for their final exam and working really hard! I know I am... I bought a poster board and everything. I'm so ready! Let's do this!

WHAT I LEARNED IN english composition IS...

Admit it. We all seen that episode of Spongebob...

Well, I can relate to that. Spongebob can't drive. I can't write.

Well, it's not so much as I can't write, obviously I know how. I just don't think I am very good at it. This class was intended, in my opinion, to find out a little bit about oneself. I got to know myself in a writing perspective very well. I learned a lot along the way too. I learned new strategies for writing in my other classes which will help me tremendously. I learned not to procrastinate...  I learned how to look at things from a different perspective and write for the intended audience. All of these things are great skills, but I also learned that I hate writing recreationally. Honestly. I feel like I am horrible at it! I hate the rules that come with academic writing and I'd rather just free write   for any assignment I do. I realize that this is unrealistic, but a girl can dream right? I write as if I were talking, and I like reading pieces that do the same. Unfortunately, that isn't how the world works. Everyone has to do something that they do not like to do, but that's life. And for these occasions, I feel more prepared than I ever have. I like how writing in this class was a process, and it all didn't happen overnight. I have found out that creating an outline helps me with the whole writing process so that I don't have to pull paragraphs out of thin air, and that they appear to sound more natural. No matter what class I'm writing for, I will always continue to recite, "One paragraph, One focus," over and over in my head. That helped me a lot too. 

This class helped me in more ways than I ever thought it would. I would like to thank our instructor, Mrs. Piro, for all of her hard work and effort put forth in this class and for teaching me new things I probably never would have found out on my own. This class wasn't about writing, it was about other classes too, and it will continue to help me through out my entire college career.


I can remember being in eighth grade and wanting to be a tattoo artist.

Don't get me wrong, I was a good artist, er, still am today, but I can't believe I wanted to do something so... permanent. My mother, a strong-willed Christian woman, was outraged by this.  She told all of her friends that I wanted to be a doctor, but when they asked me in person, I would say tattoo artist, and I would see steam shooting out of her ears like she was in an old cartoon. Isn't it crazy something of of the things we wanted to do when we were younger?

You could always remember your parents talking about their rebel years from the eighties and how they used to dress and what kind of music they used to listen to. I feel like now that our generation and the generations ahead of us grew up/are growing up way too fast. I'm close to eighteen years old and I can look back at how much I've grown in just the past few years. I've come a long way, really. I went from crazy fourteen year old to decent seventeen year old. I guess you could say I went from young and stupid to less young and less stupid. But haven't we all?

I want a real job that I can be proud of. A job where a percentage of my paycheck doesn't come from a tip jar. Or a g-string. (Oh my God, did I just write that?)

Ha! I guess you could say I want to be a respectable adult. I just want to pack my bags for further education and work in a real lab with real chemicals. Well It's not like I don't work with those now, but you know what I meant. I want to be able to rent a car and have my insurance go down. I want to be even less young and less stupid. . .

Caring... Everyone Should!


Okay, so I was at work today when a one of the "newer" members of our staff was NOT doing a very good job at, well, doing his job.

The supervisor that was on duty at the time, Dee, (who is incidentally my cousin) is a very clean and organized person. She does not like messes or people who slack off. This guy, whose name I won't mention, was walking around, not cleaning things, not doing dishes, letting coffees expire, and pretty much doing nothing. Finally, Dee had enough and just went OFF on this kid. He was old enough to know better and had been working at Panera for a long enough time to not slack off. I don't blame her because he was being ridiculously lazy, and I'm surprised she didn't fire him on the spot. His main problem was that he didn't care. Which is where I'm going with all of this.

If you don't care about what you're doing, whether it's school work, a job, or about anything else, you aren't going to do a good job. You should do a good job in whatever you do and give 110% every single time. This worker was going on about how he didn't know id he was going to keep this job because he might be moving out of town anyway. It doesn't matter! Maybe it has something to do with me growing up on a farm and doing a lot of hard work. I was raised to do something until it was done right and go above and beyond. I just believe you should always care about what you do and do it to the best of your ability.

It's all about dedication. You have to be dedicated to what you do, or it's gonna get sloppy, whether it's working at a minimum wage job or being the executive CEO at a company, you should always do your best. Keep working hard, everyone! We're almost there!


Sunday, December 2, 2012

another class and broken glass!

Hello all!

Friday was kind of a crazy day for me.

It all started when I was in my chemistry class taught by one of my favorite teachers, Mr. Casey. We were doing a lab that involved nitric acid and iron chloride. (FeCl3) These are both very corrosive and dangerous materials! One has to be very careful when dealing with these chemicals. Any way, My lab partner, Kylee, and I were using our bunson burner when a very unsettling sound came from the lab station across from us. CRASH!

I guess their lab drawer was open, which was full of Pyrex™ glass, and the tall, clumsy kid stood up and the hinges on the drawer broke and glass went flying every where! I bet at least two hundred dollars worth of glass must have been shattered. Mr. Casey, who is a very easy going, "accidents happen" kind-of-guy, told them it was okay and to clean up their mess carefully. It was a good thing me and Kylee weren't mixing chemicals at the time, or we might have blew up the lab! I jumped so bad i almost set us ablaze!

Even later that night at work when I was doing dishes, one of the new managers was putting some soup cups into the sink that didn't have any water in it, and literally broke four dishes in a row. After about the second or third one, he kept laughing and was like, "What's wrong with me?" And then broke another one and was like "These dang things are so slippery. I'm sorry but my clumsiness is not allowing me to help you, ha ha!" It made my day and I started busting up laughing. As clumsy as I am, I'm surprised I didn't break anything!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Welcome to all things Scottish, our slogan here is if it's not Scottish, IT'S CRAP.

When the Pixar movie, Brave, came out, I was so excited for an animated Scottish film. I've seen it probably six times and I love it so very much. I guess I love it so much is because I am Scottish. I am so Scottish that both sides of my family are 100% pure scotch bloodlines. It's kind of crazy if you think about it. America is supposed to be the melting pot of the world, for all immigrants from all different countries to come to and live the American dream. Well, after all these years of my family living here, I'm still... well really Scottish.

My last name, McCollum, was originally MacCallum. It was changed on my ancestor's way to America. My mother's last name, McLean, originally MacLean, was also changed. Both clans were originally from the Highlands of Scotland. My mom's family lived of the Isle of Mull, and to this day owns the Duart Castle, or the MacLean Castle.

Another thing I love about Scottish history is the Tartans! I'm sorry to be throwing all of this terminology at you, a "Tartan" (TAR-TAHN) is a plaid-like pattern that represents each clan of Scotland. My mom's is a red color and my dad's is a blue. They're both beautiful.

MacLean Tartan

MacCallum Tartan

The castles are a true beauty as well. As far as my father's castle, it lays in ruin. My mom's castle, however, is in excellent condition. It's called the Duart (Du-art) castle and it's still owned in the MacLean name today.

Two different views of the castle. 

Friday, November 30, 2012


Haha, I could 't think of something to write about so the first thing that popped into my head was good, ol' Spongebob Squarepants.

You can say what you want about this little sponge, but all the 90s kids remember this guy and have subconsciously learned lessons from him. 

The most relatable  episode to my life right now would be the episode where Spongebob had to write an essay for boating school. He procrastinated until he was up all night with writer's block. Eventually, he fell asleep and had nightmares about his his house burning down and him not being able to finish his essay. He wakes up just in time to finish his essay when he runs into school to hand his boating instructor, Miss Puff, the essay when she says, "Didn't you hear, Spongebob? We're going on a field trip instead." And Spongebob is all like . . .

This relates to me because in the past, I would stare blankly at a computer screen at one in the morning and wait for inspiration to pour out of me. Usually, it didn't. And I was like...

Anyway, my point is is that we can all learn lessons from Spongebob like: using your imagination, help out your friends, be careful when you're selling chocolate, don't procrastinate, Don't neglect your pet snail, don't be greedy, and so many more. My favorite episode of all time? BAND GEEKS!!!!

What have you learned from Spongebob?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Family Traditions...

Something really special happened to me today...

It all started when I was out by the mall using a gift card I had with my wonderful boyfriend, Zach. Since my brother lives out in Elida, I thought I would stop by to see him. When we got there, he was sitting in his living room in his pajamas playing his x-box. Comfort, of course, is a huge deal in the McCollum family, as I wear sweatpants almost every single day, haha!
Any way, we got to talking about random things: barbecue sauce, our father's crazy antics, matching camo blankets we have, and then, as usual, guns came up. He was showing me his new Mosin when he pulled out his old 20 gauge, the one our dad has bought him years ago. I never had my own shotgun because I always usual shot hand guns and revolvers, like my mom's .38 special. He started talking about his gun and handed it to me. He said,
"Well, I don't need this gun anymore, and I don't wanna sell it because dad got it for me. Do you want it? I don't have room for it and I want to keep this in the family. It's special."
My mouth dropped open. He was actually giving me his first gun! Granted, our first saddle was mine but now the old 20 gauge? It made me feel so special to have all of these old things that me and my brother once shared, mostly because I'm a very sentimental person. I'm glad we can keep these things and pass them down to our children, almost like family heirlooms.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Frack This!

Hello all:)
I'm doing my proposal on Hydraulic Fracturing, or commonly known as "fracking" in the chemical engineering world. So I thought I would give everyone a little in sight on what fracking really is.
Fracking is the process of extracting natural gases from the underground world. Geo-physicists work with chemical engineers to do this. Basically, what happens is is that they drill underground through these rock layers. Underneath these rock layers are natural gas deposits. The drilling creates underground wells which are then filled with chemicals, sand, and other materials. These materials. sometimes called slurry, pushes up the natural gas and bada-boom, bada-bing, ya got natural gas.
Fracking is done right here in the USA and right here in Ohio! It creates jobs for chemical engineers and geo-physicists and other skilled workers. It can even make other oils less expensive. It's using local petroleum and is done right here in America. And when I say America, I mean America, not north or south of it!
It is not perfect though, there are issues with ground water, but with more laboratory testing, kinks can be worked out, and all water that is being used is being recycled via a water treatment plant.
Attached is a small diagram of how it works, if you're interested. Hope everyone is doing well with their proposals!

picture source:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

In Class 15

I actually learned a lot in class today.

We played Jeopardy based off of two passages we had to read and the three topics of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. I actually read the two passages and understood the three topics, but the class today made me really understand them inside and out.

First of all, I was really proud of myself for reading and remembering the passages. I didn't really understand Burnett's essay all that well but I really enjoyed the "Annoying Ways People Use Sources" article. It got me really thinking about how to quote, what to quote, what not to quote, when to quote, when not to quote. . . it was really informative. It also helped me understand citing sources more, which was great because I was really having some trouble with that.

I walked out of the classroom feeling very accomplished because I got my first rough draft completely done AND brought it to class, I'm getting close to my blogs being done, and I did all of the readings and understood them. For a long time, I felt like I kept getting further and further behind, but I worked through Thanksgiving break and still managed to get all of my homework done. My secret is running off of very little sleep and drinking LOTS of caffeine. I won't lie, I'm getting antsy for Christmas break and catch up on sweet, precious sleep, but until then, I'm going to work my butt off and get stuff done! Today's class was so encouraging and I hope all of the rest of the classes that follow will be just as great. Until then...

I guess this is my last in class blog entry.


Monday, November 26, 2012

Burnett's essay

I think Burnett begins his proposal with these observations to prepare the readers for what they are about the read and give them some insight on what his proposal is going to be about. Though if I had more information about the differences between the state and federal parks, I would have understood this essay a lot more. If Burnett would have explained what these organizations were and what all the numbers and figure meant the readers may not have been so lost through the essay. The call to action toward the end was fuzzy. I did not understand what he was proposing, or asking that his readers do. From what I can grasp, he wants the federal parks to hand over the reins to the states because they are doing a much better job at making money and improving safety, sanitation, and the environment. This would save the government, and more importantly, the tax-payers' money. I am suddenly interested by this because I, too, am a tax-payer...
To compare the federal parks and the states parks is pretty much that the national parks are losing money and not improving and that the state parks are thriving and making tons of money.
Though this essay wasn't awful, I think the author could have explained himself and some of the numbers and terminology he used.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Other Classes

In Calculus class, we had to do a project about goals. Surprisingly, it's not a math project. Pretty much, you write down your goals and the steps to achieve them. On mine, I decided to write about a career goal, a family goal, and an educational goal.

My career goal is pretty predictable if one has read my previous blog posts. Of course, I want to become a chemical engineer and make a comfortable living. I also want to obtain a good job, hopefully at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Even elsewhere would be okay, as long as I'm doing what I love to do. I also want to make a decent retirement and a respectable 401k.

My family goal is, well, about having a family. I know what everyone says, "Oh, you shouldn't plan on having a family and getting married. You should just let it happen." Well, my goal is to have a family and get married and have children. I'm not saying I have to obtain these things by the time I'm 25, but I do want them. I would also like to stay close with my immediate family.

My last goal, the educational one, is that I would like to get an excellent education at a good college, hopefully Wright State University. I want to strive hard for good grades and get as many scholarships as I can. That way, when I graduate high school and college, high paying jobs will want to hire me.

Now if I can only get a good grade on my final essay...

Happy Thanksgiving!

You know what.

I got on facebook Saturday morning, and I saw all the black friday posts. Oh, I had to walk ten miles and wait in line for two hours and fight for a pair if boots and a complementary tote bag!

Oh. That sounds tragic. . .

Look here shoppers, I don't feel bad for you. Half the time, the deals go on days after black friday and you don't even have to wait in a line that wraps around the entire store. In fact, YOU, dear shopper, need to think of someone else to feel bad for. THE POOR MALL WORKERS.

Whether you work in the mall or the restaurants next to the mall, I'm feeling for you because I am one of those people. I had to work black friday and it was honestly crazy. Normally at Panera, breakfast rush, lunch rush, and dinner rush are all crazy and entail a line to the door. More so on weekends. But even with all five registers open, three backers, and a barista, we still had a line all morning AND all afternoon AND all night until we were closed. And because the bakers baked double to triple the normal quota, we had a TON of stuff left over, including ten pastry rings! That is not normal!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Career Path

I have a lot of dreams.

Dreams, aside from the sleeping kind, that I'd one day like to pursue...

When I was little, I always wanted to be an artist. I would draw with my Crayola crayons and paint with water colors whatever my imagination would come up with: unicorns, mermaids, families, lions, tigers, and bears (oh my!).
Eventually, of course, that all changed and I wanted to be an astronaut because what kid doesn't? My mind changed a million times from tattoo artist to coroner to OB/GYN. My latest and greatest career choice is chemical engineering, which could change direction here at any minute too. Though those were all fun dreams and all, I always had my business dreams too. I had a bucket list, once, and sometimes I think I'd still like to follow them. Some of them being:

- Open up a women's boutique containing original creations like camo lingerie and bullet jewelry

- Opening a Cupcake Kiosk 

- Opening a bakery inspired by my grandmother

- Writing a novel about something I'm an expert on

All of these things would be cool and all, but I don't think I would have the dedication. Some things I would have the dedication to do are:

- Go to Scotland and meet up with some distant cousins

- Learn Swedish

- Go skydiving! 

- Perform original music in front of a crowd of thousands

- Discover a secret about the world that no one ever knew.

Everyone should have a bucket list like this! I'm a very goal oriented person, so I like to write things down and [attempt to] achieve them. My biggest goal, however, is living a wonderful and happy life as a chemical engineer and wearing a Wright State class ring on my finger.
Everyone should have a bucket list like this! I'm a very goal oriented person, so I like to write things down and [attempt to] achieve them. My biggest goal, however, is living a wonderful and happy life as a chemical engineer and wearing a Wright State class ring on my finger.

Keep on Dreamin' even if it Breaks your Heart.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Lessons from Fifty Shades...

I read Fifty Shades of Grey, the first one in the three part trilogy, a couple weeks ago or so, and I loved it. Though its scandalous reputation makes it feel taboo to read it in public, I read it almost every where I went because it was a total page-turner and quite the epic piece of literature. To me, it doesn't matter what a book is about, what matters is how a writer can make even the most boring plot or topic interesting. And that got me thinking...
Originally, the books were my boyfriend's mom's. She doesn't read a whole lot of novels, and because she received the books as a gift, she gave them to me. I had heard about these books. These risque books. I decided to give them a shot because, well, why not? I read Cosmo, so why would it be any different?
I read the first book in a week. No, maybe three days? I loved it. The way the author portrays the main character, Ana, is both realistic and unbelievable at the same time. I won't go into grave detail, but she is all too real when it comes to being... a girl. She is awkward and totally lovable. And Christain Grey, well he's okay too.
So back to my point about making any piece of literature a masterpiece given the right author. It gave me some hope about surviving English Comp this year. I try and try my hardest, and most of the time, I'm not enough. Maybe, just maybe, if I learn from this author, I too can make this last essay a literary work of art. You know, if I work on this essay instead of reading Fifty Shades until five in the morning. . .

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Deres a tornader in my braaayne

I am about dang ol' sick and dang ol' tired of writing. Do I sound like Boomhauer from King of the Hill there?
But really, my brain is in a whirlwind of many things: emotions, due dates, assignments, grades.
I can barely keep my feet on the ground here. I'm just sinking, and I'm not even trying to complain, I'm just so stinking tired and I want to go to sleep for about a thousand years.
I used to be one of those people who didn't leave the house without a fresh face of make up and nice looking hair and a presentable outfit, but now I wear day-old make up and pajamas every where I go. I honestly look like crap.
It's like I have to transform myself every where I go, whether it's putting on some khakis and a polo for work or sweatpants and a bun for school, my clothes get thrown on the floor and I'm straight out the door. I cleaned my room today. I have tan colored carpet. Who knew?
I've been listening to Pistol Annies lately. Holy Crap I love them. It's this little country trio with Miranda Lambert in it. They have this song called "Lemon Drop" and it just makes me smile because it talks about owning a crappy car that you still owe money on and losing your quarters to a washing machine. Then it's all,

My life is like a lemon drop
I'm Suckin' on the bitter 
to get to the sweet part.
I know there are better days ahead...

I love it. So so much.
It's like the story of my life right now, and hey, maybe things actually will get better. Maybe.
Until then.

in class 14

Our son, Billy, has never been good with the ladies. Through high school, he never had a girlfriend and just went to prom with a group of buddies. College was the exact same way. My husbund Roy and I were beginning to think there was something he should tell us until one day he finally brought a girl to meet his parents. Alicia was a very pretty girl. She had short brown hair with streaks of blond and red, and the brightest blue eyes in the world. Best of all, she seemed very fond of Bill, and that's what parents just really want to see when they bring dates home.
Okay, so our first impressions were not so good with Alicia. Mostly, it was Roy's fault. When he asked her about her parents, she had told him she was an orphan. It would have been fine if he hadn't asked her WHY she was an orphan! How personal...
Then, Roy had the audacity to ask her if she had any children we didn't know about on Meet The Parents Take #2. She blushed and poitely said no but then asked her if she was sexually active. Oh, and if she had any STDs and if she had been tested for HIV.
Alicia stopped coming over after that.
When we called Bill a few weeks later, he told us that Alicia had dumped him because his parents, well his dad. were insane. Bill was unhappy, and it was our duty to get her back.
Now Roy isn't a very.... hearts and flowers kind of guy. But he has money, of which he does not like to spend. It was time we hit the jewelry store.
It was all I could do to stop from crying a few weeks later when Bill asked Alicia to marry him. My plan had worked! We bought her a vintage diamond and saphire ring dated from the 1920s, and lied and said it was Bill's great-grandmother's. She of course said yes and things are going more smoothly now, after a much needed apology to Alicia from Roy about his personal questions. They are getting married in May.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Other Classes

Let's face it. We all learned to use Power Point, Word, and Excel when we were in like, fifth grade.     

I always had to use either one of them for projects, like Power Point for science projects, Excel for personal finance, word for almost everything. Now that I'm taking this Introduction to Computers class, I kind of feel like it's a waste of time. The projects are time consuming and I'm not learning anything new. The whole class is pretty much,
Teacher: "Okay, now click the 'OK' button."
Me: *Click*
Teacher: "Now, does everyone see the new box on the scree-"
That ONE person in the class that drives everyone nuts: "WAIT HOLD ON I'M NOT THERE YET, MR. SHINE HELP ME."
Teacher: "You need to turn your monitor on."
One Person: "WHERE'S THAT AT."
Teacher: "How are you even in college?"


I just feel like I could be spending time on this final project for Mrs. Piro. I have a strange feeling that this paper will be the death of me. Like I'm having sincere trouble and I'm SOS-ing everyone I know and I'm sinking. It's depressing. I wish I had more time to work on these things, but you wanna know what? I'm stinking tired. Post-Secondary is a lot more than I thought it would be. They warned me though, that I could not pull off a job and college and school and band. But guess what? I'm not giving up and I'm gonna get through it and be like, "Looks like I DID pull it off. Hmm." 
Pray for me? I'm sinking here.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

in class food art

The in class videos we watched were about speed art made out of food, like cheetos and barbeque sauce. Though very fascinating, they didn't really inspire me.  My subject is on fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, which is pretty much digging up natural gas deposits out of the ground. My field that I would like to go in to is chemical engineering, so the most recent and local debatable chemical engineering topic I could find was hydraulic fracking.
The reason that the videos did not really inspire me was because the people making the videos are very good artists. They know exactly what they are doing and how exactly to do it. Being a junior in high school and a post secondary student, I don't know everything there is to know about chemical engineering. Reading the articles, I find it difficult because I don't understand half of what they are saying and it just makes the whole research process very frustrating! I'm sure that I'm the only person who feels this way, I mean, everyone else seems to have their head screwed on pretty straight with this assignment, but me, well I'm pretty clueless. It just makes me feel so dumb.
I know! I'll write about the field I'm actually in right now, Bread engineering at Panera. My proposal? Wheat enriched flour or not...?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hopkins's essay!

Megan Hopkins proposes that TFA change its funding, first of all. She says that Districts can barely afford one teacher per classroom, let alone two; one master teacher and one resident teacher. There would need to be some way to compensate for the extra people. She also proposes that the TFA change their two-year terms to three because teachers should complete one residency year and two subsequent years on their own. She also proposes they provide incentives for the TFA members to teach longer than three years.
The ending is effective because it ends with a powerful quote that stays with the reader after he or she has read it. Hopkins's solutions could contribute to this goal by creating more teachers for the underprivileged America and making those teachers stronger teachers by tweaking the TFA's standards.
The intended audience for this proposal would be a board or committee of some kind that could change the requirements of the teachers belonging to the TFA. The essay is very formal and has a lot of statistics, so Hopkins is proposing it to a board of professionals. She also starts out the proposal with a very personal experience. She goes from a first person point of view to an academic point of view. I don't know if this is allowed but I'm sure it worked out in there somewhere, or it wouldn't be in a college textbook.
Hopkins anticipates questions by creating following head titles with topics that would follow up from her last paragraph. For example, "Possible Objections" or "Next Steps." She then answers any unheard questions about what her last paragraph was about and sums it all up nicely.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Remix Video

The videos we watched in class today are part of a seven part film about editing and remixing. In short, the videos talked about how almost everything is a copy or remix of something else. The narrarator talks about music and how a lot of songs are subconcious copies of earlier ones, like Led Zeppelin. But I mean, you can't really blame Led Zeppelin for copying other peoples' music. First of all, they were probably on too many drugs to remember whose songs are whose, and no offense, Spirit, Zeppelin did your songs better any way. I mean, c'mon, it's Led Zeppelin! And if people are blaming Led Zeppelin for the lyrics of "Stairway To Heaven" being subliminal satanic messages, then shouldn't they blame the original writers of the song first? Sorry, I'm getting off topic...
Any way, This film talks about how all pieces: songs, books, software, inventions, movies, are ALL based off of some original document. It's true, I mean if you look at Twilight, the most absurd movie ever, it got millions of box-office hits, and it was all based on a book. The Hunger Games, too, was based off of a book. Movies that aren't based off books are usually genre movies, meaning they break up into genres and subgenres until they are so specific, they are creative and "new" again.
The public domain wants each of their ideas to be protected, however creativity usually comes from a copy. But if we want more new ideas, we gotta share the love, man.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

in class #10

I always felt safe living in the country. You know, no one to drive by your house in the middle of the night and shoot you if you ticked them off? The peacefulness and serenity was always nice, until my mother told me that every 23 years, a bat-like creature from Hell appears to prey on living human beings to harvest their organs. Gee, thanks for leaving that one out, Mom...
The 23 years ended when I turned 17. When the 23 year duration started to come to an abrupt end, I asked my mother more about this creature. He was called "Jeepers Creepers." During his last attack, he engulfed an entire cheer leading squad and basketball team on a bus coming home from an away game. This guy, or thing, was hungry, so I knew I had to leave town. I was gonna be smarter than all the other scary movie bimbos, so I hopped on a plane to Hawaii for a month and had the vacation of a lifetime! While the others were fearing for their lives and getting eaten alive back home, I was relaxing and drinking a fruity umbrella drink out of a coconut off the white beaches of Honolulu. An anti-climatic end? This is real life, baby, and sometimes you can have a  happy ending.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Other Classes

Does music count as another class? Well it's about to...
Music has been one of my things since I was in about fifth grade. First, I had learned flute.I hated it! Next, I tried trumpet. It still wasn't for me. So then I tried something else that my school didn't offer: guitar.
I got really good really fast. It came super easy to me, just like bass did. I took lessons from a guy named Nick George. Now, I take music theory, because I'm more advanced in my studies. Any way, after about five years of guitar,I taught myself how to play piano. Later, I taught myself how to play baritone. which is a brass instrument. I got a score of two at a solo and ensemble competition after knowing how to play baritone (or euphonium) for three months. And I didn't play something easy, I picked Vandercook!
So, okay, let's keep track of how many instruments I have learned to play: flute, trumpet, guitar, bass, baritone, euphonium, piano, tuba/sousaphone, and I even picked up some percussion along the way. You played recorder in fourth grade? That's cute.
When I went to Perry, and my band director was absent from school (He had cancer, so he got sick a lot.) I directed the high school band, and I was a sophomore. And I had to explain tonal center to some college students before... I guess you can say it's kinda my thing.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

In Class

When a witch, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny breaks into a musuem, all pandemonium breaks loose.
First, the witch would steal all of the brooms from the janitor's closet to stock up for her witch army back home. Then, she would steal anything that would make her money and/or lure young children into her and her sisters' house to try to suck the soul out of their victims for themselves (See what I did there?).
The Easter Bunny would be a little more dignified, and only take back what was originally his, The Egg Of Hanabalu. The Egg Of Hanabalu was a priceless heirloom of the Hanabalu family, given to them by the Easter Bunny as a precious gift. It was lost after the fall of their country, Ishmahbavlakya. If the family couldn't have it, neither could the musuem.
Santa Claus neither came for revenge nor for foolery. He meerely came as a ride for the witch and the easter Bunny. After the witch brewed up some dirty laundry of Santa's and told the Easter Bunny about it, it was the only thing Santa could do to keep their mouths shut. He had a few magical elves back home brewing up an amnesia potion to give to them so he never had to come close to spilling his secret ever again. No one would ever know, and he'd never had to cover his tracks again.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Oops... forgot to add this! In class...

I was at the station when I got a message via phone call. A few of my partners, David Jones, Gregg MacFarlane, and Brady Zuckerman, and I headed down to the scene of the crime, an old hotel. The body was a male, aged 25-30, and was found in a bath tub with a radio. The man was fully clothed. The hotel attendant said she noticed nothing fishy. This was no accident.

The body that just came in was no suicide. After checking the toxicity levels, Ruffelin was found in the bloodstream. The male victim, age 27, died ultimately of electric shock from the bath tub and the radio. The shock stopped his heart, which was the official cause of death. After a few phone calls, his family identified the body as Marshall Waters.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the death of Marshall Waters was no accident.
Coroner Doug Kanney states that the victim had ruffelin in his bloodstream when he died. If a man wanted to commit suicide, why would he knock himself out first? For those who don't know, Ruffelin, also known as "Ruffies" is not a party drug. Someone wanted Kanney OUT. Of course, there was no signs of defense, but with that in one's bloodstream, how could there be? Please, do what is right and stand up for our victim, Marshall Waters. If we don't who can?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

So let me get this straight...

I just overheard a conversation about how smoking cigarettes is the worst thing you can do for your body. Oh, so crack and heroine is okay then? And what about that fast food stuff everyone eats? And drinking soda? Is none of this considered bad for you?
I'm not one to just stand up for tabacco, but I feel like there is a lot of nasty stuff out there that one can harm their body with, but it is just so taboo to be caught smoking a cigarette. Granted, over a period of time, it can have some bad effects, like cancer, but so can not having a healthy diet or getting enough excercise. Even soda pop is linked to some cancer causing agents. Again, I don't condone smoking, I just hate when people are like, "Oh, I don't smoke cigarettes. That stuff is bad for you. Weed is the only thing I do." A quote only proceeded by taking a bite out of a BigMac. The way people think these days is just... mad.
Any way, Did I let anyone know that I'm considering a career in Chemical Engineering? And going to Wright State University by Dayton? It's a really good college, but it being by Dayton scares me. Dayton traffic is a NIGHT MARE! (I apologize for any grammatical errors, I'm posting this from my Kindle Fire.) I'm really excited to get out of high school and start a life. College, then a real job. It'll be nice not having to work for minimum wage, or worry about people complaining about their bagels not being "bagel-y" enough. Give me a break...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Aw Snap. In Class 9.

Me and Chris dated for three years. I met him through a friend and we got really close really fast. My family loved him, My friends loved him, and more importantly, I loved him. A year went by and no proposal. Then, another year went by. I should have listened to Cosmo's advice about defining the relationship early on, because the following year, he told me he "wasn't the marrying kind." That was it for me, I wanted a husband, kids, a house, the whole nine yards. Chris robbed me of my time and ripped out my heart and smashed it. It's been 2 and a half years since I last talked to him, and believe you me, I was over him. That is, until I ran into him and his new, pregnant wife shopping for baby toys. Not the marrying kind? Doesn't want kids? He obviously played me, and hard too. I felt so stupid, but I congradulated the both of them and walked on. I'm better than to start a mess right in the middle of Sear's. If it weren't for Darren, my new boyfriend of 9 months, I might have stabbed him in the crotch with a baby clothes hanger.

The Toothfairy's Scottish Adventure

Back in 1997, the Toothfairy had concieved a child. The father of sed child was neither denied or confirmed as the Easter Bunny. During the Duration of her pregnancy, she craved Mexican food, Tacos in general. Before making a few stops to Scotland to do some business, she stopped at a Taco Bell. Once she arrived in Scotland, She stopped at the wealthy MacFarlane house just outside of Edinborough. The mother of the household was an OB\GYn and the father was a  coal miner. She put a gold coin underneath young Billy MacFarlane's pillow in exchange for a white tooth. Everything was fine until she felt sharp pain shooting up her abdoman and hot water running down her leg and all over a shirt lying on the floor. They told her not to fly during her third trimester!

Monday, October 22, 2012

2 b or not 2 b: It's no question...

I chose the article, "2 b or not 2 b." And maybe I shouldn't of...
It's not that I should have some kind of serious opinion on texting grammar anyway, because I barely do it, but is anyone else with me when I say I write the way I speak? Honestly, if someone speaks in a "texting language" they will sound like an idiot.
When people use abbreviations and leave out vowels, it's confusing. When someone texts me and says, "brb," in my head, I think "berb." Or "lmao" To me, it looks like some Hawaiian word, "lah-may-oh." or "lah-mow."
Er wen ppl tlk lyke dis.. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY RED SQUIGGLY LINES I HAVE UNDER THAT?! It just so annoying.
In the article, it says something like, People who text get higher testing scores. If they use the "text language," how is that even possible? What ever happened to, Practice Makes Perfect? If someone practices using good grammar and spelling, shouldn't it come natural to them when they're doing academic writing? I just think it's very juvenile to text like a first grader would write. English is such a darling little language. Why are we butchering it? Gee, no wonder other countries make fun of Americans...

Lantry's Article

This article was about advertisement aimed at women. It talks about how (as early as the 1920s) companies, mostly for personal hygiene, have been using advertisement geared toward females. It shows three pieces of textual advertisements and analyzes and dissects each piece in such a manner. Back in the 1950s, or even the 1920s, women were supposed to "please their men," by either cooking, cleaning, or looking attractive. Most women back then were housewives who wanted to (a) make an excellent meal to please their husbands, (b) make sure that stain comes out of their husbands work shirt and get that kitchen spotless, or (c) make sure their lipstick is just the right shade of red. Back then, it was easy to be sexist. Now, commercials are a little more coy about it. Has anyone seen those ridiculous miracle weight loss programs? The diets? The pills? The exercise machines? Many of these are aimed at women. Why? So they can attract the opposite sex with their lean and fit bodies. It's all the same, only now, clearer skin doesn't turn men on. Bigger breast implants do.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Seelye essay response


Ya know, I'm not usually one to just rag on articles, but I'm tired and grumpy right now, and if I wasn't sleepy before I started reading, I'm dead asleep now.
This article talks about how the numbers on magazine covers makes the magazine sell better and what statistics prove so. That was pretty much it. I kinda thought it was a bunch of bull, until I looked over at a copy of Cosmopolitan laying on my bedroom floor, and by golly right on the cover it says, "52 Sex Tips!" Well dang, I guess they were right. And in the corner, it says, "4 Talks You Should Have Had With Him By Now" Well okay, I guess sex and numbers do sell...
Come to think of it, every time I'm looking at magazine, it has numbers on the front. Interesting...
The title, "Lurid Numbers on Glossy Pages" truly is a witty title, because it sums up what the entirety of the essay was about, and using all the quotes from popular magazine editors and such, like from Cosmopolitan, backed up what the author was saying. It was good, Field Guide, but I'd rather be reading 50 Shades of Grey.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Last Friday, I was sick. Like I was literally coughing up blood from coughing so much. I didn't go to school because, well, if I pulled a "Clint Eastwood" (Gran Torino reference) in school, I would've been sent home anyway.
I missed a chemistry class, right? No big deal. Chem is one of those things I pick up on super quick. The lab we did Thursday made the cobalt test paper turn pink because of the presence of oxygen in the beaker from the low-heat flame. Blah. Blah. Blah. Don't get me wrong! I LOVE CHEMISTRY. I didn't go to science camp for years if I hated chemistry. (Yes, I know, I'm such a nerd.) Chemistry is one of the reasons I'm considering being a chemical engineer. Calculus on the other hand. . .
I missed one day, ONE DAY, in Calculus, and ended up being like three pages of homework behind. Half of this class isn't even logic! It's not even math! It's punching a bunch of buttons into a calculator! I get the logic and solving part of math, in fact, I love that part. But considering I'm pretty much technologically retarded, using a graphing calculator is not fun. I suppose my frustrations come from the lack of knowledge and experience I have with expensive equipment like this. I mean, it's like tossing someone into a room with a mass spectrometer and saying "Alright, find out how many pickles Bobby ate after thirty years of wearing the same colored socks and only sleeping with 500 thread count sheets." WHAT.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Career Path

You know what? I'm seventeen years old and I have no idea what I want to do with my life.

Sure, I could be a chemical engineer. Get paid out the wah-zoo, work for some company, all that jazz. But is that really what I want to do with the rest of my life?

I used to want to be an OB/GYN. I thought that would be the coolest job, working with pregnant people and delivering babies, but I realized that I couldn't afford all of that college, money wise and time wise. I could be a mid-wife, I suppose, but what is this? The Middle Ages?

I would love to work with babies and small children, but the problem is is that I love my nieces and nephews. I will love my children. Other peoples kids are just ugh. I see it all the time at Panera, mostly parents who don't know how to parent, but more children these days are spoiled, rotten little brats. Not mine, of course!

It's the most frustrating thing in the world. All I know is that I want to get married and have a family, but job-wise? I'm totally clueless. I feel like everyone is so in-sync with what they want to do. My boyfriend knows he wants to be a diesel mechanic, and is already on the road to doing so. Me? I could be working at Panera Bread for the rest of my life if I don't start looking at my options...

Thursday, October 4, 2012

In Class Writing 6

What is my political stance? What? That all politicians are mere puppets put there by the devil himself?
I can't stand overhearing conversations about politics. "Oh, Obama is so great because blah blah blah. . ." "Oh, Romney is going to win because blah blah blah. . ." Let me tell you this, America, your vote does not matter. That's right. Voting for anyone is like chopping your tongue off. There's no reason  for it and it always ends in a bloody mess.
I honestly believe that every president EVER has been put there by the government. Not by the people and definitely not for the people. Call me a "dooms-dayer." Call me a conspiracy theorist. Call me what you will. To me, the Illuminati is all too real, and the government has so much more power than what the common people think. I don't even think it's just America. Governments and "Higher-ups" around the world are all connected and are all corrupt.
If I could live on some kind of "Zombie Apocalypse" secret reservation out in the mountains of West Virginia somewhere, trust me. I would. I want to be as far away from government and any kind of voting at all this year. America and the rest of the world has deteriorated from values and honesty and will never get any better. Blah Blah Blah. With liberty, and justice for. . . no one.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

That Girl: The Walking Contradiction

I am. . .
I am honest.
I am a thief.
I am the most honest thief you will ever meet.
I lie.
I steal.
I tell the truth.
Do my eyes deceit me?
Or is that how you feel too?
I laugh.
I cry.
Sometimes I do both.
Sometimes at the same time.
I am numb,
but I always feel.
Sometimes what is there,
and sometimes what is not real.
My wounds are nonexistent,
but my wounds are deep.
I break all the promises
that I promise to keep.
I am always in pain,
but I feel fine.
I am always smiling
but I hurt all the time.
A sprinkle of pain here,
A spark of sadness there.
A pinch of happiness somewhere,
A smudge of depression to bare.
A recipe for disaster,
wrapped into one.
Tomorrow will get here,
yet Tomorrow will never come.
I am happy.
I feel fine!
I'm on fire,
but I'm alive.
I wear a frown.
I wear a smile.
Where have you been?
It's been a while.
I am crazy,
but I am sane.
Who are you, again?
and What was your name?
I am dark.
I am light.
I am rain.
and I'm sunshine.
I am happy,
when you are sad.
I'm Your "Calm Down, Honey."
when you're raging mad.
I am invisible,
and I should leave this place.
With a knife in my back,
I shall leave this place.
I am forever "That Girl"
without a real home.
Perpetually "That Girl."
And I am Alone.

Fuzzy Wuzzy Wuz A Bear

Ya know what I can't stand? Being waken up by gunshots outside my house.
No I don't live in the "ghetto." In fact, I live far from it. People hunt outside my house ALL. THE. TIME.
Hunting's great and all, but on a Wednesday morning? Normally, they wouldn't bother me, but my dog barks every time she hears a gun fire, which is understandable for a dog of course, but during hunting season, I wake up to *BOOM* *BARK!BARK!BARK!BARK!BARK!* *BOOM* *BARK!BARK!BARK!BARK* And then me eventually getting tired of it and yelling at my dog, "OH MY GOD, VELVET, SHUT UP."
So, besides the fact that I'm extremely tired right now, I'm also quite overbooked. You know what I want more than anything else in the world? Just a day where I don't have to worry about anything. A day where I can just breathe. I want a day off, not only from work, but from life. Is that so much to ask? Really, I mean, if all of my teachers would just quit with all the gargantuan amounts of homework, which reminds me I have a calculus test today. Crap.
I feel as if all my blogs are about being stressed out. I gotta quit writing about that. I'm sure all of my millions of readers are getting sick of me, right? (sarcasm) Okay, so let me try to fire up a conversation about something else. . . Cats? I don't like 'em.
What about cup cakes? Cup cakes are pretty awesome. I'm not sure if any one knows this about me, but I'm am a BOMB cup cake maker. Like, I'm just fantastic. My harvest apple cup cakes are to die for. :)
Well, I guess that's all I got to say. Oh, does anyone even have close to 50 blogs yet? Hah, I don't.

Monday, October 1, 2012

In Class Writing (Once Upon a Time)

Once Upon a Time is a television show about a crossover from reality to fairy tale. It's pretty much a modern play on "Snow White" meets "Prince Charming." Though mildly interesting, the episode, "A Land Without Magic" was a total gag and completely hard to follow. The plot was sloppy and all over the place. An outside viewer (one who has never watched the show) might find it difficult to watch, not only due to the cheesy acting, but because it jumped from modern day to a fairy tale backdrop set in probably the 1400s. One positive thing about this series is the costumes. They followed exactly what someone would think of as a    princess costume or an evil witch outfit. Computer graphics were not bad. They weren't good but they were not bad. Needless to say, the show had its ups and downs. If someone was a viewer who wasn't into the whole "fairy tale" thing, they probably wouldn't like the show. If someone was, then I'd say go for it.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Girl In The Red LIpstick

The girl in the red lipstick does not have a name. You see her as she walks the halls every day alone. She does not speak because her brilliant blue eyes speak for her. They scream out Pain! They scream out  Agony! Sometimes, they scream out Help! No one ever answers, however. Every one stares at the girl with the painted red lips because she is different. Is it her black hair with streaks of blue? Is it her long, vibrantly painted nails? Her gothic ensembles that she dresses up in?
The girl in the red lipstick has a scar above her right eye. No one knows how it got there, but it begs for someone to listen to its story. Maybe she got it after falling off of her bike as a child. Maybe she was in a car accident. Maybe someone put it there.
Maybe someone should listen to the tales of the maiden with the red lips. Maybe she should make some one listen. Someone! Anyone! Everyone?
Maybe there's a reason the scarlet lipped girl does not speak. Perhaps she has tried and failed so she lets her appearance do the talking. Maybe her lipstick covers up another scar. Maybe her large sweaters cover up her body. Maybe her long hair covers up the pain in her eyes. Maybe her silence covers up the past.
The girl in the red lipstick walks the halls with no friends. She stands alone every day stares into a world where no one else may see. She is a vessel without a soul. She is an angel trapped in hell. The girl in the red lipstick does not have an identity. The girl in the red lipstick does not have a name.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I wrote this poem a long time ago about a girl I saw at school every day. The portrayal above is not entirely true but was inspired by a real person. It is a poem and is meant to be taken as such.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

10 min writing prompt.

The hall was silent until she heard a locker door slam behind her. Lost in thought, Marissa jumped. It was Jace. Shit. Crap.
She held her breath, as though it made her invisible to him. She knew all too well he remembered Friday night, even if he was drunk. Her invisibility trick had failed, and he approached her. It was her turn to face the music.
"So," he started out. "I guess Friday night was fun."
"Yeah," she replied, looking around for some kind of escape. "I guess."
He broke the awkward small talk. "Look, I'm so sorry. I don't really remember Friday night, but I do know we had sex. And I know I didn't wear a condom."
Subtlety had been thrown out the window at this point. "Look, forget it ever happened. It's so behind me."
Marissa never thought about the whole "protection or not" situation. She had been more focused on whether or not he would even remember her name after their one night stand, let alone what kind of procautions he took. She hadn't really thought about the consequences of unprotected sex. The only thing clogging her mind was that she was a shy Sophomore girl who wore one low cut shirt to a high school party and after two O'douls, lost her virginity to a wasted Senior boy.
 Before it even dawned on her that she could be pregnant, she felt a wave of nausea and ran to the bathroom. . .

Monday, September 24, 2012

"How I Met Your Mother" In class writing prompt.

I never really watched "How I Met Your Mother," but I'm pretty familiar with the generality of it. A sitcom about a wild gang of raunchy adult friends who live in the big city, blah blah blah. But I never really gave it a chance because, damn darn, it's pretty funny.
In this episode, the main male characters of the show discuss their future lives every time they watch the Star Wars Trilogy, which is every three years. During each imaginary flash forward, the men progressively in vision their lives getting better and better and possessing more money and more babies with their ever-pregnant wives. In reality, their lives generally do not get better. In some cases, they stay the same. IN other cases, they get even worse. The end of the episode, however, entails happy endings for all in the year 2015. One thing I can't get over about this show is that the character Barney (Neil Patrick Harris), who is the "ladies man" is actually gay in real life. All I can say about that is that he's one heck of an actor!

Monday, September 17, 2012

The C-Word!

As a member of the all brass Mustang Marching Band, I am all too familiar with the "c-word." This word, one which shall live in infamy, is despised among most people in general, including brass members. In fact, if you get caught being one of these, it may just end you in a "pep rally" (meaning you're in trouble!) with Mr. D, our band director. I don't like to think of myself as one of these, but lately, I've been feeling like I'm a big, fat one. That's right folks, a complainer.
I don't want to be one of those people who sit there and do nothing but complain about how hard his or her life is, because honestly, it's annoying to hear about. "Oh, I have to go work a three hour shift at McDonald's and go to volleyball practice and do twelve algebra II problems. Boo hoo hoo hooo..." That's lame. I don't, however, work three hour shifts at McDonald's. I will never work less than 7 hours at a time at Panera Bread. I'm not in volleyball, but I am in the Brass, which is A LOT more work than most would accredit for. And as far as algebra II? I get about 50 calculus problems a night. So there, I guess you can officially call me the c-word.
But something really cool happened to me the other night in a dream, and it's gonna sound really weird to explain. So, here goes nothing.
I was standing on a dock, next to this giant, blue lake. (Or maybe it was an ocean? It was a gargantuan body of water.) It was so peaceful and serene. There was not another living creature in sight, just me and this lake. All of a sudden, My band director, Mr. D, came out of no where yelling at me. It went something like, "You need to stay in line when you're prancing! You're horn angle is terrible! Watch your parade choreography!" I was a little shocked so I back off, but as soon as I did, my boss, Jen, stepped out from behind me and started yelling too. "Why is your drawer fifteen cents short? Did you FIFO the cream cheeses? There needs to be day dots in these syrups! Stock your cups!" I turned around only to find Mr. Abbey, my calc. teacher. "You don't know how to work your hundred and twenty dollar graphing calculator that you just got a week ago with sheer perfection? Three hundred homework problems for everyone." I'm pretty sure all my other teachers and managers were there too, even my dad, yelling at me to clean my car. And my room. And my bathroom. I got so overwhelmed, I jumped into the lake. Soon, I was floating weightlessly near the bottom of this water giant. It was silent, serene, relaxing. For once, nothing was expected out of me. I could just float. (Don't ask me how I managed to breathe?) So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, do I need a break? Am I running away from my problems? Do I need to go jump in a lake? Or, could it possibly be that I'm just being a big, fat c-word?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

C-C-Career Path!!

     Hey all! Remember when I said I wanted to open up my own cafe named Carmelita's? Well, that was great and all, but now I'm totally headed in a completely polar opposite direction. Can you say, chemical engineer?
     Being a chemical engineer just sounds awesome for so many reasons. First of all, I LOVE CHEMISTRY. I went to science camp as a youngster and took college level pre-chemistry courses. I fell in love right then and there. I can remember we did this experiment where we mixed together different chemicals to produce different colors when set on fire. It was a demonstration on how fireworks worked. It was by far my favorite class.
     Now that I am old enough to take actual chemistry courses, I'm learning so much more. I was a little nervous when I first started the class, since it was described as being "academically rigorous," and it would be even scarier if I didn't have good, old Mr. Casey as my teacher! I mentioned Mr. Casey in my previous blog, and he has yet to have failed in entertaining me in class day by day. Every day just feels like a journey deeper into the world of chemistry. Cheesy as it sounds, it's true. His class really rocks my socks.
     Now let's talk about what a chemical engineer does! A chemical engineer takes the workings produced by a chemist and manufactures and produces it on a larger scale. He or she pretty much applies chemistry to the real world. There are countless job opportunities for this field of work, including some right here in Lima at the Husky Refinery. (But I HIGHLY doubt I will stay in Lima!) Chemical engineers are the highest paid out of all the engineer fields, and there is a current high demand for them. That means a decent paycheck! Ya know, they say money can't buy happiness, but money can buy a Monte Carlo. And that would make this girl pretty happy! :)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Red Canary of Death

Reading this really reminded me of a comic book. It had more pictures than anything, but just by looking at the pictures, you could really tell what was going on. The story was about a girl whose family was very separated and each led very independent lives.  They were all artists and spent most of their time alone working on their music or writings or drawings. The little girl told her story about growing up in this kind of environment and how she learned to kind of raise herself and learned to rely on herself for things instead of always having to ask someone for something. For example, in one of the panels, she talked about how she asked her mom to make her dinner because she was hungry and her mom kept saying something like, "Not now." or "In a minute." So she just made her own food and took from the whole experience how to be independent. I think her opinion on her childhood, however, was bittersweet.

Friday, September 7, 2012

In Class Writing Prompt 2

     Post-it notes are probably one of the best inventions ever made. I use them for a lot of things: when I'm reading for a class project, I'll use them as little bookmarks so I can remember what's important in the passage I'm reading. What's also great about these little inventions is that you can write on them guilt free. I have brought with me to class today, a teal book of these sticky notes. When you open this little hard-cover contraption, it's filled with a neat pallet of sticky-notes varying in different shapes and sizes. It's a rainbow of organization. I couldn't tell you what they taste like (Are post-it notes even non-toxic?). I don't even know if that would be safe. I guess I could tell you they smell like freshly cut paper. I can't really describe this smell, it's like the smell of a freshly sharpened pencil. No one can explain the odor, but everyone knows that smell from elementary school.
     I can, however, tell you the sound these post-it notes make when you tear them off of the pad. It makes something of a shlllllllllllllp noise.
     The cover feels glossy in my hands, almost like a hard-cover copy of a magazine. The inside, where all the post-it notes are feel smooth as well, but not as glossy. It's almost grainy, as paper tends to feel. They remind me of both reading and writing because they are useful to both.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

In Class Writing Prompt 1

Am I afraid of writing and being creative? Have you read my blog?
I guess I'm not afraid of being creative. My whole seventeen years of being on this planet proves that I can be outgoing. I've won every art show I've ever entered. I've been first chair out of every band I've ever been in. And as far as writing goes, I'll just tell you that my junior high teacher once told me I was litterally the most intelligent student he's ever had. I'm most definitely not afraid to say what's on my mind and think, I dare say, outside the box. I guess I'm not really "afraid" of being creative, but am slightly scared of what people will think of my creativity. Everyone is afraid of being judged, right? I guess you can say that. I have the guts to put myself out there and strive for my creativity, but in the back of my head, I'm still the scared little third-grader giving her oral presentation to the class over the Louisianna Purchase. I'd like to think I possess genuine ingenuity. I'd like to think I'm a problem-solver and can fix the kinks out of everything. Sometimes I can. Sometimes I can't. You win some, you lose some, right? Sometimes, I'll think of this completely creative idea, like a homemade cinnamon roll recipe (which is really good, by the way!) or an idea for a song to write on piano. And sometimes, like now, the creative juices are just NOT flowing and I end up babbling on and on like an idiot.

The Secondhand Bookseller

I felt so bad for the little girl in the story! If I had asked my mother for a book when I was younger, she would have bought me every book in the entire store. My mother loves to read and my family never had to worry about money growing up. In fact, just last week, my mother bought me two fairly expensive books at Sam's Club. Anyway, the little girl in the story (Called The Secondhand Bookseller) loves to read, but her Middle-Eastern family was much too poor to buy her books. She finds this little hole-in-the-wall second hand bookstore and befriends the book keeper. His name is Albert and he teaches the little girl to borrow books, instead of having to pay for them. She is estatic by her new discovery and her loves for reading grows deeper with every book she reads. Unfortunately, she spends time in prison later for speaking up in a science class. she was not only in prison, but tortured and almost excecuted! Now, however, she is free and currently living with her husbund in Canada. All I can say is, I'm happy to be an American who can freely speak and borrow books from the library anytime I choose!


You know what I did the other day? I got to sleep in. I remember that day, in fact, it was just Sunday. Sunday was my ONLY day off this week.
My day usually goes like this...
5AM - get up and go study at Panera. It has wi-fi.
8AM- (instert college class here)
11:23AM- Chemistry with Mr. Casey
12:18 - Lunch:)
12:48 - Study Hall
1:23 - Pre-Calc with Mr. Abbey
3PM - Haul you-know-what home and get ready for work.
Ahhhhh. Work.
8+ hours straight of dealing with people. You know what kind of people I'm talking about right? Anyone who works in the restaurant business knows what I'm talking about. The people who can't just order. They have to modify everything on the flipping menu and can't just choose a side. Like, "Oh, I'll try the Poppyseed chicken salad. No blueberries on that. No oranges either. Extra pecans. Can I have my dressing on the side?  Oh, make that a pick-two. What's the Lemon chicken orzo soup like? Will I like it? Okay. Can I get a 99 cent pastry with that?" UGH. first of all, I, personally, don't know if you'll like the lemon chicken orzo soup. What am I supposed to say? "No, you won't like it." (?!) And NO! You have to get a beverage with your entree to make your pastry 99 cents! Do you know how many flipping times a day I have to explain what a baguette is?
I'm rambling. I apologize.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

So let me tell you about Mr. Casey...

Mr. Casey is my chemistry teacher. Mr. Casey is really smart. Mr. Casey has an iPhone. Mr. Casey seems slightly irregular in the mental margin.
It all started yesterday, my first day of school. Since I'm a post secondary student, I go into school (which, in case you didn't know, is Allen East High) everyday at exactly 11:23. My first class I have is chemistry with Mr. Casey. The first thing he does is say "Okay class, clear your desks. We're going to have a five-point 'opportunity!'" (I kid you not, he calls tests and quizzes "opportunities.")
My first impression was like ". . .what?" How could there be a quiz when I've been in the classroom for five minutes? I thought maybe it was a "What's your name? What's your favorite color?" -kind of quiz. I was wrong. It was more of a "How many decagrams are in a kilogram?" -kind of quiz. (Which is funny, because I still couldn't answer that question if I tried.) I literally got a zero out of five. Zero. Out. Of. Five.
So it turns out, it was a tell-me-what-you-know-kind-of-quiz. And you got five points for signing your name on the paper. At least I knew that much. And to make it a little better, I wasn't the only one who got a zero out of five. So did everyone else. So. . . chemistry's gonna be fun this year?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

It was like, BAM!

Hi all! Panera girl here! (which is funny, because I'm actually sitting at the Panera where I work at right now as I'm writing this...) Any way, as I was laying in bed last night, I was worrying about what I wanted to do with my life. If you would of asked me six months ago, I would have said I wanted to be an OB/GYN. I was such a biology nerd, it wasn't even funny, so I thought it would be a well-paying, economical job. It all was great, except for the 12+ years of schooling and "Obamacare" becoming an issue in the medical field. The minute my mom's boss, who's a dentist, told me about the predicament of practicing physicians in the next 10 or so years, it really turned me off to the whole "Med School" thing. Great. Now all I knew about my life was that I worked at Panera Bread and could bake a mean batch of cookies. Where was that gonna get me?
My mom always had this crazy dream of opening up her own little cafe/bookstore/winery. She thought I would help her and do all the business work, considering I know my way around a calculator pretty well. I always thought this was silly; she was a dental assistant and I was going to be an actuary or something. Or something!
Then (back to my whole "laying-in-bed-last-night-thing") it hit me! It was like, BAM! Go to business school and culinary school, and open up the next Panera Bread. Bigger. BETTER. More... "Leah." I could set up different locations and bake all I wanted, but at the same time, wear my black suit and boss people around (my all-time favorite thing to do!) and sign checks. I could drive my little black Monte Carlo around town to each of my locations and check up on my places of business. It's actually kinda cool if you think about it. And it would smell alot better than being an OB/GYN. Did I type that out loud?...

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wait... What?

     Okay, so today was my first day of college, and I'm also a post-secondary student from Allen East. Both schools are new for me this year, so I've been trying to digest all of this change at once as both semesters are coming to an abrupt start. So with that said, forgive me if, in the future, I sound like a babbling idiot. I tend to panic when I don't know what I'm doing, or in this case, don't know what to write about. I also tend to type what I think, so bare with me here.
     Man, my typing skills have been rusty since school let out... My whole summer has been nothing but, "Baguette, chips, or an apple?" or *Riiing*Riiing* "Thank you for calling Panera Bread by the Lima Mall. This is Leah. How can I help you?" Except it's more usually run together, like, "Thankyouforcallingpanerabreadbythelimamallthisisleahhowcanihelpyou?!"
     Wait, does this thing have spell check? kjzfhglkfdjhglkfdjglksfdjh;lfdjh;l Okay, we're good; I have a red squiggly line under that. So I totally forget what we were supposed to write about today? I think it was just like writing, ya know. Ya know, just like, writing. That's another habit I have to get out of; saying "like" and "ya know." I'm not even sure that any of this is grammatically correct. Ya know? ;)
     Were we supposed to be writing for ten minutes? I have no idea how long it's been. My wi-fi is all kinds of messed up, so I'm sitting here in the McDonalds in East Gate (YUCK!) stealing some free wi-fi, outraged by how much a just payed for a terrible cup of coffee, and half listening to some soap opera playing on the TV in the background. How am I supposed to concentrate on this assignment when Rachael did indeed sleep with Antonio's evil twin brother, Enrique?