Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Remix Video

The videos we watched in class today are part of a seven part film about editing and remixing. In short, the videos talked about how almost everything is a copy or remix of something else. The narrarator talks about music and how a lot of songs are subconcious copies of earlier ones, like Led Zeppelin. But I mean, you can't really blame Led Zeppelin for copying other peoples' music. First of all, they were probably on too many drugs to remember whose songs are whose, and no offense, Spirit, Zeppelin did your songs better any way. I mean, c'mon, it's Led Zeppelin! And if people are blaming Led Zeppelin for the lyrics of "Stairway To Heaven" being subliminal satanic messages, then shouldn't they blame the original writers of the song first? Sorry, I'm getting off topic...
Any way, This film talks about how all pieces: songs, books, software, inventions, movies, are ALL based off of some original document. It's true, I mean if you look at Twilight, the most absurd movie ever, it got millions of box-office hits, and it was all based on a book. The Hunger Games, too, was based off of a book. Movies that aren't based off books are usually genre movies, meaning they break up into genres and subgenres until they are so specific, they are creative and "new" again.
The public domain wants each of their ideas to be protected, however creativity usually comes from a copy. But if we want more new ideas, we gotta share the love, man.

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