Thursday, November 29, 2012

Family Traditions...

Something really special happened to me today...

It all started when I was out by the mall using a gift card I had with my wonderful boyfriend, Zach. Since my brother lives out in Elida, I thought I would stop by to see him. When we got there, he was sitting in his living room in his pajamas playing his x-box. Comfort, of course, is a huge deal in the McCollum family, as I wear sweatpants almost every single day, haha!
Any way, we got to talking about random things: barbecue sauce, our father's crazy antics, matching camo blankets we have, and then, as usual, guns came up. He was showing me his new Mosin when he pulled out his old 20 gauge, the one our dad has bought him years ago. I never had my own shotgun because I always usual shot hand guns and revolvers, like my mom's .38 special. He started talking about his gun and handed it to me. He said,
"Well, I don't need this gun anymore, and I don't wanna sell it because dad got it for me. Do you want it? I don't have room for it and I want to keep this in the family. It's special."
My mouth dropped open. He was actually giving me his first gun! Granted, our first saddle was mine but now the old 20 gauge? It made me feel so special to have all of these old things that me and my brother once shared, mostly because I'm a very sentimental person. I'm glad we can keep these things and pass them down to our children, almost like family heirlooms.

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