Monday, December 3, 2012

Magic Number Fifty...

Well, this would be my last post... :(

I'd like to write out all of my blog titles and say which each were about, to maybe make this a little easier for Mrs. Piro to grade. :)

From Oldest to Newest, here they are.

Wait... What? - Misc.
It was like... BAM - career path.
So let me tell you about Mr. Casey... -other classes.
Work!Work!Work! - misc.
Secondhand bookseller - RR.
In class 1 -IC
In class 2- IC
Red canary of death- RR
c-c-c-career path! -career path
the c-word! -misc.
how i met your mother-IC
ten minute writing -IC
Girl in Red... -misc.
once upon a time-IC
fuzzy wuzzy-misc
that girl-misc
in class 6 -IC
career path-career path
cal-q-luz - other classes
lantry's -RR
2b or not 2b-(this is where we wrote about our readings from TSIS... i think it was RR)
toothfairy's scottish adventure- IC
aw snap. -IC
so let me get this straight-career path/misc
in class-in class
other classes-other classes
in class 10-in class
remix video-in class
hopkins's essay-RR
food art-in class
other classes-other classes
in class 14-IC
lessons from fifty shades -misc
career path(dreams) -career path
happy thanksgiving-misc
other classes-other classes
burnette's essay-RR
in class 15-IC
frack this! -misc
family traditions-misc
what i learned in boating school is- misc
welcome to all things scottish- misc
another class and broken glass- other classes
caring... -misc
careering - career path
what i learned in english comp is... THIS class:)

magic number fifty...misc

Well, that makes fifty! I do have one complaint though, it seems that when I edited some of these blogs, it changed the date on them? And the dates are off, like so many hours behind. Oh well, it's not like I sat here and wrote fifty blogs in one night.

I would just like to end on a good note, that I really enjoyed this class more than I thought I ever would. It was challenging in a very positive way and made me think like I have never thought before... like a writer.

Hopefully, I can reflect on what I have learned in this class in the future when I am taking other classes. And I will take with me all the self confidence I have gained. I hope everyone is preparing for their final exam and working really hard! I know I am... I bought a poster board and everything. I'm so ready! Let's do this!

1 comment:

  1. I finished my blogs on Sunday! It just does not feel like I should have. I feel like it is still fall, not close to Christmas at all! Also cannot tell you how awesome it feels to have them done! It feels like it is a little bit of stress taken off of you. I cannot wait to just get this final exam done! When I am done I am just going to sit in my chair, and do a big sigh of relief. I hope that I get a good grade in this class. I am slightly a perfectionist so I do whatever I can to get an “A”, but I am okay with a “B” too. I feel like this has been my hardest English class, but at the same time I liked it! I never had a teacher that pushed me as much as Mrs. Piro did. I felt like she made me work above and beyond what I was capable of, so that way I would be successful in that class. I still cannot believe that this is over I am half way done with school, and will be on my way to a full time college student. So much has changed in my life, and I feel like these post helped me realized some things that I need to work on not only in English, but in my life. I just cannot wait to do this project because I have felt so stressed, and I feel like once I am done I will be able to relax again. I am lucky I get to go second!
