Monday, December 3, 2012


I can remember being in eighth grade and wanting to be a tattoo artist.

Don't get me wrong, I was a good artist, er, still am today, but I can't believe I wanted to do something so... permanent. My mother, a strong-willed Christian woman, was outraged by this.  She told all of her friends that I wanted to be a doctor, but when they asked me in person, I would say tattoo artist, and I would see steam shooting out of her ears like she was in an old cartoon. Isn't it crazy something of of the things we wanted to do when we were younger?

You could always remember your parents talking about their rebel years from the eighties and how they used to dress and what kind of music they used to listen to. I feel like now that our generation and the generations ahead of us grew up/are growing up way too fast. I'm close to eighteen years old and I can look back at how much I've grown in just the past few years. I've come a long way, really. I went from crazy fourteen year old to decent seventeen year old. I guess you could say I went from young and stupid to less young and less stupid. But haven't we all?

I want a real job that I can be proud of. A job where a percentage of my paycheck doesn't come from a tip jar. Or a g-string. (Oh my God, did I just write that?)

Ha! I guess you could say I want to be a respectable adult. I just want to pack my bags for further education and work in a real lab with real chemicals. Well It's not like I don't work with those now, but you know what I meant. I want to be able to rent a car and have my insurance go down. I want to be even less young and less stupid. . .


  1. I remember when I was little I always wanted to be a vet. Then when I look back I think that is crazy because I am now terrified of Chiuauas. I know they are tiny, and it is funny. The reason why is because I was attacked by one 3 times so I gave that up. I just think it is so weird that when we were younger we had less decisions to make. All we did was have fun with no care in the world. I slightly miss those days, but I am ready to get started with my future. I cannot wait to see what it has in store for me!I have so many goals, and dreams I want to achieve. When I am eighty I want to look back, and say I did all I wanted to do. I could never being a person that was a tattoo artist. I am so afriad of putting people in pain. I think I would freak out more than the person getting it done ha. I also have the artisticlevel of like a 5 year old. I swear my 7 year old brother looks so much better than me. I think that no matter what I want to do my paarents would be okay with it if it made me happy. I could not image working with chemicals! I would be afriad I would mess it up! Good luck in the future, and hopefully it all goes well! I bet it will if you see you have matured ha.

  2. I totally get it, haha. Sometimes I miss the days of being so carefree and feeling like I could be anything in the world that I wanted to be. Well, honestly, I don't feel like that anymore. I feel like doing what makes a good wage and what I'm good at, which is math and science and NOT English! Haha. It is good, though, to look back on those times of innocence and be inspired for the future. You should never forget your childhood because you can learn so many lessons from it, like when I was little and I wanted to climb this really tall tree so very bad. With a little help from my other bub, I was able to get to the very tip top and I learned to never give up, and never be ashamed to ask for a little help. It's really weird to look back on those things now, it seems to peculiar to actually relate climbing a tree to real life too. Whatever you do, do it well. Thanks for commenting, Hannah! Good luck to you!
