Monday, December 3, 2012

Caring... Everyone Should!


Okay, so I was at work today when a one of the "newer" members of our staff was NOT doing a very good job at, well, doing his job.

The supervisor that was on duty at the time, Dee, (who is incidentally my cousin) is a very clean and organized person. She does not like messes or people who slack off. This guy, whose name I won't mention, was walking around, not cleaning things, not doing dishes, letting coffees expire, and pretty much doing nothing. Finally, Dee had enough and just went OFF on this kid. He was old enough to know better and had been working at Panera for a long enough time to not slack off. I don't blame her because he was being ridiculously lazy, and I'm surprised she didn't fire him on the spot. His main problem was that he didn't care. Which is where I'm going with all of this.

If you don't care about what you're doing, whether it's school work, a job, or about anything else, you aren't going to do a good job. You should do a good job in whatever you do and give 110% every single time. This worker was going on about how he didn't know id he was going to keep this job because he might be moving out of town anyway. It doesn't matter! Maybe it has something to do with me growing up on a farm and doing a lot of hard work. I was raised to do something until it was done right and go above and beyond. I just believe you should always care about what you do and do it to the best of your ability.

It's all about dedication. You have to be dedicated to what you do, or it's gonna get sloppy, whether it's working at a minimum wage job or being the executive CEO at a company, you should always do your best. Keep working hard, everyone! We're almost there!



  1. Hey again! So, I just wanted to let you know that I know exactly how you feel. There is always that one person at a job that just slacks off to the max because they just don’t care. It is so aggravating for everyone else that works because then they are the ones who have to do everything they are not doing. Slacking off at a job until you get yelled at just completely blows my mind, why get the job if you aren’t going to do it right? I realize a lot of parents want their kids to get jobs but they won’t be able to keep one if they don’t teach their kids to be responsible and hard working to start with. I am not saying go make your kids do everything but I mean a little here and there and praise them if they have finished it and finished it well will help a lot. I used to work at a grocery and I know everyone has those days when they don’t want to do anything but you should not completely slack off because that turns into a major problem. We had a floor person that put out milk and eggs, mopped, swept, got carts, all the hard work and sometimes they would just be so lazy because they did not care. Them being lazy hurt us because then the cashiers had to get the carts for them and sometimes when we were busy it made it hard. Moral of the story, be responsible!

  2. I totally agree! When one person isn't doing his or her job, it hurts everyone else because they have to pick up the slack that the other person just isn't carrying. And I think you're dead on when you say that parents should teach their kids to be responsible. Parents who don't show up on time to pick their kids up put a message into their kid's head that it is okay not to be punctual when in fact it is crucial in the real world. I was training one girl who did not know how to mop. Let me repeat that, did not know how to mop... I just wanted to say, "Did your mom make you do ANYTHING at home around the house?" People are just getting lazier and lazier these days I swear!

    Good luck, Kayla!
