Tuesday, September 25, 2012

10 min writing prompt.

The hall was silent until she heard a locker door slam behind her. Lost in thought, Marissa jumped. It was Jace. Shit. Crap.
She held her breath, as though it made her invisible to him. She knew all too well he remembered Friday night, even if he was drunk. Her invisibility trick had failed, and he approached her. It was her turn to face the music.
"So," he started out. "I guess Friday night was fun."
"Yeah," she replied, looking around for some kind of escape. "I guess."
He broke the awkward small talk. "Look, I'm so sorry. I don't really remember Friday night, but I do know we had sex. And I know I didn't wear a condom."
Subtlety had been thrown out the window at this point. "Look, forget it ever happened. It's so behind me."
Marissa never thought about the whole "protection or not" situation. She had been more focused on whether or not he would even remember her name after their one night stand, let alone what kind of procautions he took. She hadn't really thought about the consequences of unprotected sex. The only thing clogging her mind was that she was a shy Sophomore girl who wore one low cut shirt to a high school party and after two O'douls, lost her virginity to a wasted Senior boy.
 Before it even dawned on her that she could be pregnant, she felt a wave of nausea and ran to the bathroom. . .

1 comment:

  1. When reading your story I feel as if I am stepping into a movie. Although not every emotion is expressed I can see this event taking place. My mind goes through the steps of a young girl doing things she wouldn’t normally do to impress an older guy. Sadly these events happen all the time, girls trying to impress guys by drinking, going to parties, and having sex. The bad part in your story all of these events happened. The part I find funny is how Marissa was so worried about if Jace remembered her. The last thing going through her head is if she could possibly be pregnant.

    Although this is just a story I feel as if this captivates how young people are. They are so unaware of their actions. The only thing that matters is living for the movement. As a young student I do understand how easy it is to do, but I also realize I have my whole life ahead of me. I also do not want to throw my life away over a guy! This is why I feel your story really explains what terror is. Most people when getting this assignment would write about untrue events, but this really does captivate what terror is for young students. Although I don’t know the outcome I do know Marissa and lives are changed forever. Maybe Marissa isn’t pregnant and Jace is not a father. I do know they both will have this memory to last a lifetime and reflect on affecting their lives.
