Wednesday, September 12, 2012

C-C-Career Path!!

     Hey all! Remember when I said I wanted to open up my own cafe named Carmelita's? Well, that was great and all, but now I'm totally headed in a completely polar opposite direction. Can you say, chemical engineer?
     Being a chemical engineer just sounds awesome for so many reasons. First of all, I LOVE CHEMISTRY. I went to science camp as a youngster and took college level pre-chemistry courses. I fell in love right then and there. I can remember we did this experiment where we mixed together different chemicals to produce different colors when set on fire. It was a demonstration on how fireworks worked. It was by far my favorite class.
     Now that I am old enough to take actual chemistry courses, I'm learning so much more. I was a little nervous when I first started the class, since it was described as being "academically rigorous," and it would be even scarier if I didn't have good, old Mr. Casey as my teacher! I mentioned Mr. Casey in my previous blog, and he has yet to have failed in entertaining me in class day by day. Every day just feels like a journey deeper into the world of chemistry. Cheesy as it sounds, it's true. His class really rocks my socks.
     Now let's talk about what a chemical engineer does! A chemical engineer takes the workings produced by a chemist and manufactures and produces it on a larger scale. He or she pretty much applies chemistry to the real world. There are countless job opportunities for this field of work, including some right here in Lima at the Husky Refinery. (But I HIGHLY doubt I will stay in Lima!) Chemical engineers are the highest paid out of all the engineer fields, and there is a current high demand for them. That means a decent paycheck! Ya know, they say money can't buy happiness, but money can buy a Monte Carlo. And that would make this girl pretty happy! :)

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