Monday, October 22, 2012

2 b or not 2 b: It's no question...

I chose the article, "2 b or not 2 b." And maybe I shouldn't of...
It's not that I should have some kind of serious opinion on texting grammar anyway, because I barely do it, but is anyone else with me when I say I write the way I speak? Honestly, if someone speaks in a "texting language" they will sound like an idiot.
When people use abbreviations and leave out vowels, it's confusing. When someone texts me and says, "brb," in my head, I think "berb." Or "lmao" To me, it looks like some Hawaiian word, "lah-may-oh." or "lah-mow."
Er wen ppl tlk lyke dis.. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY RED SQUIGGLY LINES I HAVE UNDER THAT?! It just so annoying.
In the article, it says something like, People who text get higher testing scores. If they use the "text language," how is that even possible? What ever happened to, Practice Makes Perfect? If someone practices using good grammar and spelling, shouldn't it come natural to them when they're doing academic writing? I just think it's very juvenile to text like a first grader would write. English is such a darling little language. Why are we butchering it? Gee, no wonder other countries make fun of Americans...

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking about picking this article when we had to choose but instead I picked "Fat is a Feminist Issue." I thought it would be pretty simple because the media and how women view body image is an ongoing topic for years and years and is constantly changing. I agree and I think it makes people sound really dumb when they actually say "LOL" in person and something like that. When I text people, I usually spell out the entire word (it's easy because I have autocorrect on my iPhone) but even when I didn't have an iPhone I still would spell out the entire word. I haven't read the article you have but I might just have to because I think it would be really interesting what people have to say about texting.People who text get higher test scores? I don't really understand that concept but okay! There are times when I'll use "brb" or "g2g" but only if I'm in a serious situation where I can't respond back in a normal way or am running late for something, but that's understandable to me. I think texting has taken over the way people communicate with each other. I mean, I will see people sitting right next to each other and completely ignore one another because they are texting or worse, are texting each other. If I'm with my friends, I usually put my phone away and don't get it out unless I really have to. I'll definately have to read your article now and see what they have to say about it.
